UAB’s Center for Aging is seeking volunteers to assist hospitalized seniors at mealtimes. The SPOONS program links volunteers with seniors in the Acute Care for Elderly (ACE) unit at UAB Highlands Hospital who need assistance or company during meals.

January 13, 2009

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - UAB's Center for Aging is seeking volunteers to assist hospitalized seniors at mealtimes. The SPOONS program links volunteers with seniors in the Acute Care for Elderly (ACE) unit at UAB Highlands Hospital who need assistance or company during meals.

Many older adults, especially those with memory loss, require at least twice as much time to eat a meal than younger adults. Senior adults eat better when they can visit with others during a meal and they sometimes need assistance to eat.

SPOONS is looking for volunteers who can spend an hour with a hospitalized senior at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Anyone interested in volunteering for the SPOONS program should contact George Mickwee at 934-7706 or