UAB Hospital’s kitchens will be used to prepare meals for Magic City Harvest’s Box Lunch Sale and World Hunger Day observances.

October 8, 2008

UAB Hospital's kitchens will be used to prepare meals for Magic City Harvest's Box Lunch Sale and World Hunger Day observances. Magic City Harvest will provide 3,000 meals to area shelters on Wed., Oct. 15. The Box Lunch Sale for the public is Thursday, October 16. 2,000 lunches will be for sale.

Hospital kitchen crews will be preparing meals for 26 area shelters.    The food will be picked up by shelter volunteers at the patient discharge area of the West Pavilion on 7th Ave. between 19th and 18th St. beginning at 10 a.m. on Wed., Oct. 15. Media crews are welcome to observe preparations in the hospital kitchen and discharge area. Contact UAB Media Relations at 934-3884 to be escorted to the kitchen.

The Box Lunch Sale is a fundraiser for Magic City Harvest, Birmingham's prepared and perishable food rescue program. Proceeds are used by area organizations to combat hunger. It also serves as a reminder to the community of the needs of Birmingham's hungry and homeless.

2,000 box lunches will be available for sale to the public on Thursday, Oct. 16. The box lunches cost $8 and participants can call 591-FOOD or email to order.  Ordering deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 8th. Lunches consist of a turkey wrap sandwich, Texas caviar (a marinated black-eyed peas, corn and tomato salad), chips and a brownie.

 UAB Hospital and Compass Bank are Full Plate Partners with Magic City Harvest in World Hunger Day activities.