Edward Taub, Ph.D, University Professor of Psychology at UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham) has been elected Chair-Elect of the Section on Psychology (section J) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

      May 27, 2008

Edward Taub.


BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Edward Taub, Ph.D, University Professor of Psychology at UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham) has been elected Chair-Elect of the Section on Psychology (section J) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Taub began his term as Chair-Elect in February of this year. His term continues through February of 2011.

AAAS is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science around the world by serving as an educator, leader, spokesperson and professional association. In addition to organizing membership activities, AAAS publishes the journal Science, as well as many scientific newsletters, books and reports, and spearheads programs that raise the bar of understanding for science worldwide.

Taub is internationally known as the developer of Constraint Induced Therapy, a family of rehabilitation techniques that greatly improves the rehabilitation of movement after neurological injury.

He was awarded the William James Award of the American Psychological Society in 1997; the 1997 Ireland Award for Distinguished Scholarship from UAB, and the Distinguished Scientist Award from the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and the 2004 Distinguished Scientific Award for the Application of Psychology of the American Psychological Association. He is past president of the Biofeedback Society of America and has been on the board of directors of scientific societies.