Expert Sources for 2002 Gubernatorial Debate

Posted on June 28, 2002 at 11:05 a.m.

BIRMINGHAM, AL — Governor Don Siegelman and gubernatorial candidate Bob Riley have agreed to debate. The debates will air August 5 and October 20 on Alabama Public Television. For analysis of the debates, the following University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) professors will be available.

For interviews, call Gail Short, Media Relations, (205) 934-8931 or call the main number at (205) 934-3884. After hours or on weekends, call (205) 934-3411 and ask for the media relations specialist on call.


Debates and Speeches

John W. Wittig, Ph.D., APR — Wittig teaches and conducts research in public speaking, political communication, public persuasion, argumentation and debate. He is a senior lecturer in the UAB Department of Communication Studies.


The Candidates: What Their Body Language Says about Them

Mark Hickson, Ph.D. — Hickson can discuss non-verbal communications as it relates to debates and speeches. He has written numerous articles and books on nonverbal communications. He is the co-author of the book NVC: Non-Verbal Communications Studies and Applications. In addition, he has conducted numerous workshops and presentations on topics such as non-verbal communication, deception and communication styles. Hickson is professor and chairman of the UAB Department of Communication Studies.


Political Communications

Larry Powell, Ph.D. — Powell is an expert on the methods politicians use to communicate with the public. His new book, Political Campaign Communications: Inside and Out (Allyn and Bacon), which he co-authored with Joseph Cowart, is due out later this year. He has been a press secretary, speechwriter and communications consultant for dozens of political candidates.