UAB’s Minority Health & Research Center (MHRC) has launched its new Web site,, a resource for researchers, physicians and community organizations in Alabama who share the mission of eliminating health disparities among racial and ethnic populations.

Posted on October 6, 2004 at 8:20 a.m.

BIRMINGHAM, AL — UAB’s Minority Health & Research Center (MHRC) has launched its new Web site,, a resource for researchers, physicians and community organizations in Alabama who share the mission of eliminating health disparities among racial and ethnic populations.

The center was created in 2002 as a comprehensive educational, research and community outreach program focused on eliminating the health disparities of racial/ethnic minorities.

Dr. Mona Fouad, professor in the division of preventive medicine and director of MHRC, said, “This website is an online resource where you will find information on our services, programs and leadership, and an up-to-date database on minority projects at UAB and in the state as well as grant opportunities. In addition, we’ve included access to links, statistics, maps, books, publications, events and news related to minority health and health disparities as a resource for grant applications.”

Visitors can register on line to receive the MHRC quarterly newsletter and weekly eNews via email.

MHRC provides services to faculty of UAB and of its partners at historically black colleges and universities, including graduate and minority students, as well as state and government agencies. Services include research, training, career development and community outreach.

The community outreach program works with organizations, institutions and community leaders locally and nationally to establish trust and mutual partnerships for research in minority and underserved populations.