UAB’s Institutional Review Board has received full accreditation from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP). UAB is the only institution in Alabama to receive such accreditation

January 7, 2008

UAB’s Institutional Review Board has received full accreditation from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP). UAB is the only institution in Alabama to receive such accreditation.

“This accreditation is a completely independent assessment, demonstrating to our volunteers how important we take their safety,” said Dr. Richard Marchase, UAB vice president for research and economic development. “We want to use this positive feedback as an opportunity to better educate the public about research involving human subjects in general, and specifically about such research at UAB.

“UAB will continue to take advantage of best practices for how to provide our volunteers with important and valuable information about the trials in which they are participating.”

Medical centers involved in clinical research trials have institutional review boards to ensure that research involving human participants is conducted in an ethical manner. This means ensuring that risks to participants are minimized, the selection of participants is equitable, and participants are informed fully of what their participation will entail and of the potential risks and benefits.

Through the intensive accreditation process, organizations must be able to demonstrate that extensive safeguards are built into every level of their research operation. AAHRPP standards exceed federal regulation in two ways: the protections for research participants that the federal government requires only for federally sponsored or regulated research are extended to all research, and AAHRPP requires additional protections, such as conflict of interest rules and community education. Accreditation is valid for three years.

“Dr. Sam Tilden, UAB’s research compliance officer, and his team worked very closely with the staff of the IRB and the reviewers to make a very in-depth examination of our IRB,” Marchase said. “Their efforts have helped to make our program even stronger.”