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The UAB Department of Pathology is pleased to announce a Request for Applications for Pilot/Feasibility Clinical Research grants to facilitate and enhance Clinical Research programs and scholarly activity across the Department.

Projects that will advance the department's academic, scholarly and research missions are especially welcome. Examples of anticipated use of funds include collection of data to be used in conference presentations (e.g. USCAP, ASC, CAP, ASIP and ASCP), peer-reviewed publications and internal pilot or extramural grant applications.

It is anticipated that up to 5 pilot projects with a budget of approximately $5,000 each will be awarded based on merit and availability of funds. Requests for budgets exceeding $5000, but no more than $10,000, are allowable but require clear justification for extra funds.


1. Open only to UAB Pathology primary faculty, including faculty of the Community Pathology Practice Program, at all ranks (instructors to professors). Multi-PI proposals that promote interdisciplinary collaborations across the department and which also engage clinical trainees is also required. For assistance in identifying potential clinical trainees to participate in proposed research please contact Dr. Dhall (ddhall@uabmc.edu).

2. Applicants who intend to continue/expand their previously funded pilot studies should provide preliminary data/results and a strong rationale to continue proposed studies.

3. Projects can be clinical, population health based, mechanistic, correlative/descriptive, or a combination. Projects with a translational relevance are highly encouraged.

4. Require IRB protocol approval, if applicable, prior to commencing proposed studies.

5. Awards are not renewable and funds must be used within the funding period. Funds will be allocated at the outset of the award.

6. Awardees will be required to provide a one-year final report (1 page maximum) outlining project progress, accomplishments and plans.

7. Awardees are also expected to present their findings at the departmental research forums.


1. Proposals (maximum 2 pages, Arial 11 pt., and 0.5”margins) should include the items in the following order:
      A. Project title (part of two pages)
      B. Names of the PIs, their expertise and contributions to the project (part of two pages)
      C. Background information with review of literature, leading to a clear hypothesis for the study, goals/aims and proposed methodology; addressing
      how the proposed research will answer a significant question(s) in population, clinical or basic science issue, highlighting potential translational   
      implications if any (part of two pages)
      D. Plans for a scientific meeting presentation, publication, extramural funding application (part of two pages)

2. Provide brief justification of how funds will be utilized (salary support is not allowed) (maximum 1 page).

3. NIH bio-sketches for each proposed faculty participant (max 5 pages per investigator)

Applications will be reviewed by a faculty panel convened by the Vice Chair for Research and Translational Research Group (Drs Manne and Dhall).

If you have questions concerning eligibility or the submission of these proposals, please contact Dr. Rakesh Patel (rakeshpatel@uabmc.edu; 975-9225).


Sept 2020: RFA Announcement
Nov 30 2020: Proposal application deadline
Dec 30 2020: Successful applicants notified
Jan 4 2021: Funding start date
Dec 31 2021: Funding end date (all funds should be used by this date)