A senior in the University Honors Program, Fernandez is one of UAB's three inaugural Beckman scholars. He is one of six students chosen from the nationwide pool of Beckman Scholars to present his research at the Beckman Symposium. Saad, who is representing the 15 Beckman UAB mentors at this year's symposium, will introduce Fernandez.
Fernandez has published three papers in professional journals. He is an author on two papers in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (2010 and 2011) and one paper in Frontiers of Virology (2012). Additionally, Timothy is first author on a paper under review at the Journal of Biological Chemistry. He has given presentations at more than 15 conferences, both on his research and other scholarly activities, at local (UAB EXPOs), state (Alabama Academy of Sciences; University of Alabama System Honors Research Conference), regional (Southern Regional Honors Council, the American Chemical Society Southeastern Undergraduate Research Conference), and national (National Conference on Undergraduate Research; American Chemical Society; and National Collegiate Honors Council) throughout his undergraduate career.