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MS3ClerkshipThanks to the dedication of a group of volunteers, both on the UAB Campus and at the Birmingham VA Medical Center, students are now able to do ambulatory clinic rotations on the main campus. Drs. Brooks Vaughan and Winter Williams, the co-directors of the Internal Medicine Clerkship, have developed a curriculum that the preceptors can use, even on busy clinic days. Student feedback regarding the outpatient medicine experience has dramatically improved as a result of these efforts. Kudos to all our volunteers: Stephen Stair, Stephen Bell, Jennifer Vigil, James Williams, Hernando Carter, and Michael Geer, Eric Tofil, Felicia Noerager, Reginald Mason, Meleth Raveendran, Michael Moates and Sharon Balcells.

Above: James Williams, MD, with MTSP third-year medical student Joseph Ladowski, PhD

More Good News for September 12, 2018

Ellen F. Eaton, MD, MSPH, (Assistant Professor, Infectious Diseases) and colleagues have published their findings on a 9-point risk assessment, in Clinical Infectious Disease. They report that people with a history of injection drug use were low risk and could be safely discharged with outpatient antibiotics. These findings reduced the average length of stay by 20 days and total direct cost by 33%, creating capacity for an additional 333 patients. Three cheers for the entire IVAT team!

Mark Dransfield, MD, and J. Michael Wells, MD (Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care) have received a 3-year $5.4 million grant to explore the effect of a neutrophil elastase inhibitor on Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, the most common genetic cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema.

Seven investigators from the Department of Medicine were accepted into the Clinical Investigator Training Program at UAB. This program is the first of its kind and is supported by funding from the Health Services Foundation’s General Endowment Fund and the Center for Clinical and Translational Science. This pragmatic and hands-on program is focused on preparing new investigators to plan and implement human subject investigation with a focus on clinical compliance.

Fadi Hage, MD (Associate Professor, Cardiovascular Disease) has been named Master of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, the highest designation given by the organization. This status is bestowed upon select members based on dedicated service to ASNC and the field of nuclear cardiology. Congratulations, Dr. Hage!

Andre Ballesteros-Tato, PhD (Professor, Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology) won the Dean’s Excellence Award for Research for junior faculty. See his video interview.

Dr. Well-Be, aka John I. Kennedy Jr., reports that the #TakeTheStairs campaign is off to a great start! Get inspired with this fun video of Dr. Well-Be and his friends and be sure to submit your #StairSelfie on Twitter or via this link to win some swag. Stay tuned throughout September for more stair-related tips on Twitter, LinkedIn and Good News!

Coming next week to Medical Grand Rounds: Smita Bhatia, MD, MSPH, Professor and Director of the UAB Institute for Cancer Outcomes and Survivorship will present, “Adherence to oral chemotherapy – a journey from a bedside observation to standard care” at noon on September 19 in Margaret Cameron Spain Auditorium.


  • September is Rheumatic Diseases Awareness Month! Let’s come together to improve understanding of rheumatic disease and advance health and well-being. Take the pledge today!
  • Register now for the Advocating for Gender Equity panel that will be held on Tuesday, October 30 from 1 – 3:00 p.m. in Margaret Cameron Spain Auditorium. The panel consists of five leaders who are committed to advancing women at UAB.

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