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The Faculty Policies and Procedures Committee reviews existing university policies and procedures and considers changes to the UAB Faculty Handbook. Its recommendations concerning revisions to the UAB Faculty Handbook or to existing policies and procedures are forwarded to the senate. The senate must make final recommendations to the President and designee regarding changes to the UAB Faculty Handbook or to existing policies and procedures. The FPPC also provides feedback on policies developed or revised by Enterprise and University compliance committees. FPPC feedback is forwarded to the initiating committee and copied to the Chair of the Senate. (Senate Bylaws Article II.2.a)

The UAB Faculty Handbook is posted on the UAB Policies & Procedures Library website, select “Faculty Handbook” under the “Manuals and Handbooks” menu option near the top of the page.

The FPPC makes calls for faculty input when they are asked to compile feedback regarding policy-related proposals. Faculty may direct their feedback to fppc@uab.edu. Comments and feedback will be reviewed by the FPPC if received by 12:00 p.m. on the day before the FPPC meets. Policy proposals under review can be viewed on the Faculty Senate SharePoint website-FPPC Documents page [see SharePoint Documents & Calendar webpage info below; once on FPPC page, select the "Documents for Review" tab]; proposals are listed based on the month that the FPPC will discuss them during their meeting. Faculty may also direct their feedback to a FPPC representative from their unit (listed in table below).

The 2024-2025 Chair is Dan Givan of the School of Dentistry.

SharePoint Documents & Calendar webpage information: Agendas and minutes of the Faculty Policies and Procedures committee, if prepared, are available to access, go to the Login Information page; read all of the login information; then select the link in the “Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Other Documents” section. Then login to our SharePoint website. Then, in the far left vertical menu, and click on the committee’s name (if the committee’s name is not displaying, then click on the arrow next to the word “committees” in the menu.)

You may review the operating rules of the committee and the description of the roles the Chair and members of the FPPC, in the appendices (Appendix E, D.7, and C.6, respectively).

FPPC Members

Dan Givan (Chair) Dentistry dgivan@uab.edu
Philip Musa Business musa@uab.edu
Elisabeth Pellathy CAS pellathy@uab.edu
Santiago Sosa CAS smsosa@uab.edu
Joseph Wolfe CAS jdwolfe@uab.edu
Julie Paul Flannery Education jipaul@uab.edu
Nuria Vendrell Llopis Engineering Nvl2@uab.edu
Abebaw Yohannes Health Professions amyohann@uab.edu
Romi Gupta Joint Health Sciences romigup@uab.edu
Ashely S. McNeill UAB Libraries amcneill@uab.edu
Tracy Luckhardt Medicine tluck@uab.edu
Bela Petal Nursing Belaz82@uab.edu
Nicholas Onken Optometry nonken@uab.edu
Anna Helova Public Health ahelova@uab.edu