The formal honoring of faculty for teaching accomplishments with the President's Award was begun by former UAB President Charles A. McCallum in 1990.
The President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching recognizes full-time regular faculty members of The University of Alabama at Birmingham who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in teaching. A recipient is chosen from the College of Arts and Sciences and each of the schools and the Joint Health Sciences.
Each faculty member so honored receives a cash award and a crystal apple with an engraved base that stands as a symbol of his or her achievement.
Eligibility is limited to full-time regular faculty members of The University of Alabama at Birmingham and its affiliated hospitals that hold a primary faculty appointment in College of Arts and Science or one of the eight schools or the Joint Health Sciences. The individual must have held faculty status at UAB for a minimum of three years and may receive the award only once in any three-year period.
Criteria for Selection
The awards shall be based solely on outstanding accomplishments in teaching as demonstrated by any or all of the following:
- Broad, thorough knowledge of the subject area and the ability to effectively convey difficult concepts to students
- Exemplary classroom instruction as evidenced by student and peer evaluations
- Fairness, open-mindedness, and accessibility to students in and out of the classroom setting
- An objective, analytical approach to information; clear portrayal of conceptual interrelationships; and intellectually stimulating classroom presentations
- Ability to inspire and mentor students through research activities, special projects, and publication of their work
- Effective use of innovative teaching methods and assurance that his/her courses stay abreast of current theory and technology
- Promotion of ethical and professional values and behavior among students
- Ability to infuse students with a commitment to life-long learning and professional development
- Service and scholarly activities that provide excellent role models for students
Procedure for Nomination
Any member of the student body, faculty, or alumni may make a nomination by completing and submitting, by the announced deadline, a nomination package consisting of:
- a nomination form Opens a PDF.
- an abbreviated biographical sketch of the nominee, limited to three pages
- a maximum of three letters of support
The nomination must clearly demonstrate that the nominee meets the selection criteria and eligibility requirements.
School Selection Committee
Composition: The dean of each school will appoint a selection committee. The members of the committee shall be full-time regular faculty members, with as many past recipients of the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, as possible, being selected for membership on the committee. If appropriate, the current president of the school’s student honor society or association shall be a member of the committee. The committee appointments shall be for three years, and members should hold staggered terms on the committee.
Responsibilities: The chairperson of the committee shall assume the responsibility of insuring that nominations are solicited from students, faculty, and alumni. After nominations are received, the committee shall meet to determine the most competitive finalists, based on the strength and quality (not quantity) of the nominations received. The committee chair will request, from the selected finalists, further supporting documentation that reflects the faculty member’s outstanding accomplishments in teaching during the most recent academic years, with emphasis primarily on the prior academic year. The committee should also consult with the dean and/or department chairs in the school relative to the finalists. After full review of the documentation for each finalist, the committee shall make their final selection. The chairperson will submit it to the dean who will forward the school’s recipient of the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching to the Office of the President (Attn: Kay Kirk AB 1070). The President of UAB will make the official announcement of the twelve (12) recipients of the President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching.
All deliberations of and information provided to the committee shall be considered confidential and not shared with anyone outside of the committee. All communications with faculty or administrators concerning the nominees shall be made by the chair of the committee or his/her designee.
A call for nominations will take place on February 3, 2025 and schools must submit their selected recipient by April 30, 2025.