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How to access and view applicants when you have been assigned to a faculty search committee in UAB PeopleAdmin.

  1. Login to https://uab.peopleadmin.com/hr/. This link will be included in the email that you receive from the UAB PeopleAdmin system once you have agreed to serve on a faculty search committee.
  2. This takes you to the homepage.
    screenshot of PeopleAdmin homepage
  3. Confirm that you are logged in as a “Search Committee Member.” See below.
    screenshot of member page
  4. Click on Requisitions, Faculty Tab to view requisitions and applicants.
    screenshot of Requisitions tab
  5. Select the position type for the search committee you sitting on (most likely faculty)
    screenshot of Position type
  6. Click on the hyperlink for the Requisition that you want to work with.
    screenshot of Requisitions hyperlink
  7. You are now inside of the requisition. To view applicants, click on the APPLICANTS tab.
    screenshot of APPLICANTS tab
  8. Now, you are ready to review each applicants’ application materials (including CV and Cover letter). Click on the applicants’ last name to view the complete candidate application and materials.
    screenshot of APPLICANTS review


Download a Complete Search Committee User/Training Guide to UAB PeopleAdmin (PPTX)