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About the Program

These days, more and more U.S. companies are searching for people who can lead their organizations to be more inclusive. The UAB Graduate Certificate in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Advocacy (DEIA), can help prepare you to be a social change agent, whether you’re already in the workforce or will soon pursue a career.

As the nation continues to acknowledge systemic injustices, the demand continues to grow for people like you who can advocate for equity and inclusive excellence in the workplace. That’s why the DEIA certificate is specifically designed to equip students to tackle today’s issues head-on. The 15-hour certificate will include topics such as politics, policy, and practice; equity and inclusion; and leadership and advocacy. You will join in cross cultural and cross generational discussions and take courses that are evidence-based, experience-informed, and data-driven with a focus on intentional inclusivity. By the time you complete our program, you should have important tools necessary to help make your employer an example of equity and inclusiveness.

Delivery Method

100% Online

This program can be taken completely online.

Program Director

Dr. Bria Morgan

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