About the Program
As a doctor, you not only care for people who are sick and injured—you're charged with keeping them healthy and well from the start. As one of the nation's top medical schools, we can teach you how take care of patients, whether as a general physician or in a specialty area.
To begin, you'll learn the fundamentals, with courses in gross anatomy, histology, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, and physiology. After that, you'll study organ-based systems such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, renal, neurosciences, musculoskeletal and skin, endocrine, reproductive, and hematology-oncology. During your third and fourth years, you'll do clerkships and rotations at either UAB or one of our other three campuses in Tuscaloosa, Huntsville, or Montgomery. During this time, you'll learn about specialities such as family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, neurology, and psychiatry. If you already know you want to focus on primary care, think about applying for that specific track. We have a plan in place that will prepare you for the fields of family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics, along with community-based specialities such as obstetrics and gynecology, neurology, psychology, and general surgery.