Explore UAB

Jeremy Delgadillo

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  • M.A., Psychology, San Diego State University 2021
  • B.A., Psychology, San Diego State University 2019

Research Interests

My research interest is primarily focused on investigating protective and risk factors among chronically ill (e.g., HIV/AIDS, COVID-19) and older adult populations. I am using data from the SAWHAS (Successful Aging with HIV/AIDS Study) and the ongoing RISE+ Study (Resilience Intervention for Successful Aging Enhancement) for my dissertation researcher, where I will investigate the influence that resiliency has on mental health outcomes among middle-aged and older people living with HIV and people living without HIV. Through my research, I plan to contribute to literature focused on the positive impact of resilience on mental health outcomes in different health and aging populations.

Research Mentor

Dr. Pariya Wheeler
