Dr. Renato Camata, Director of Undergraduate Students, acknowledged the dedication and hard work of our undergrads. Honor Students making the President’s and Dean’s List were asked to stand and be recognized. Dr. Camata also recognized students’ achievements throughout the year:
Departmental Scholarship Recipients for 2015
Jackson Carr, recipient of the H. Tiit Tohver Scholarship, which is awarded to a senior Physics major.Aidan O'Beirne, recipient of the Physics Faculty Scholarship, which is awarded to a junior Physics major.
Dr. Camata & Jackson Carr
Aidan O'Beirne & Dr. Camata
Robert and Edith Bauman Endowed Scholarship in Physics
Jackson Carr, 2014-15
Islam Khan, 2014-15
Aidan O'Beirne, 2014-15, 2015-16
Brian Trammel, 2015-16
Islam Khan & Dr. Camata
Goldwater Scholarship 2015-16
Luke McClintock
Dr. Camata presented certificates in recognition of undergraduates’ research efforts during the 2014-2015 academic yearand presentations at the 2015 UAB Expo:
Luke McClintock
Lamario Williams
Luke McClintock, Dr. Camata, & Lamario Williams
Chapin Cavender
Andrew Cornwell
James Jones
Islam Khan
Aidan O'Beirne
James Jones, Islam Khan,& Chapin Cavender
He also presented certificates to our SPS officers in recognition of dedicated service to the UAB Chapter of the Society of Physics Students during the 2014-2015 Academic Year:
Jackson Carr
Chapin Cavender
James Jones
Islam Khan
Clayton Allison
Robert Collins
James David Gear
Cody Jett
Jones, Khan, Cavender, Carr, and Dr. Camata
Dr. Camata thenintroduced the recipient of the 2015 Outstanding Physics Undergraduate Senior, Chapin E. Cavender:
Dr. Camata and Chapin Cavender
Dr. Todd Devore, Coordinator of UAB Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy Laboratories, announced the 2015 Outstanding Physics Teaching Assistant recipient, Nathan Ridling.
Dr. Devore and Nathan Ridling
Dr. Mary Ellen Zvanut, Associate Chair and Physics Graduate Program Director, recognized the outstanding achievements of several graduate students, including:
Jamin Johnson, Industrial Internship with Bama Mining & Milling, Fall 2015
Ketan Goyal, Industrial Internship with CISCO-San Jose, Summer 2014
Spencer Smith, Carnegie Department of Energy Fellow, 2014-15
Ustan Sunay, NREIP Fellowship with NRL, Summer 2015
Anthony Brayer, Research at Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, Summer 2015
Jamin Johnson
Ketan Goyal
Spencer Smith
Ustun Sunay
Anthony Brayer